MindMassage music unites meditation and mindfulness with funky groovy jams and catchy beats. Created by hypnotherapist Alexander Golombeck, MindMassage includes guided meditations, mindfulness, electronic dance, spoken word, singing, live violin and saxophone. Hypnotherapy and guided mediations are often combined with music, whether it’s to relax, focus or to assist in suspending your thoughts for a while. The concept behind MindMassage is to integrate the two fully in a purposeful manner to allow listeners to get fully in tune with their senses and body. Alexander Golombeck is originally from Manchester, England and studied Criminology at University in Nottingham before pursuing a career in finance. In his own words he says “After facing a series of personal challenges I realised that I was not pursuing my true purpose in life and decided to change paths and went on to study hypnotherapy and cognitive behavioural hypnotherapy”. Alexander Golombeck’s infuences include Massive Attack, Pearl Jam, Daft Punk, Faithless, Joe Strummer, The Roots, There Verve, Lemon Jelly, Sigur Ros, AiM, Erykah Badu, Mylo, Pink floyd, Jeff Buckley, Chili Peppers, Underworld, David Guetta and eastern and western philosophers such as Rorty, Descartes, Satre, McKenna & Watts along with pioneers in hypnotherapy and mindfulness such as Erickson, […]