‘Your love is your religion’ – says T8iana in a new reaction music clip to LGTBI hate crime.

Australian Pop Singer popularly known as T8iana, a passionate advocate for the LGTBI+ community, has strongly reacted to the hate attack shooting at the Gay nightspot Club Q in Colorado Springs, U.S, which recently made worldwide news. T8iana, a talented musician, who has met with success on the UK i-tunes daily top 40 and 100 dance charts throughout 2022 and who was also featured in the Rolling Stone Magazine’s Global Artist spotlight earlier this year, has released a new pop-dance single ‘Celebrat8ion’ with an enthralling music video which she calls a visually creative and musically/lyrically charged ‘response’. A colourful yet strong retaliation/reaction to the unfortunate incident, the clip has been intentionally filmed at Melbourne’s iconic LGTBI favoured nightclub – ‘Lovemachine’ which itself was the site of a violent gun shooting in 2019 (though for unrelated reasons). “The choice of this particular nightclub as the location for the video is to highlight the need for safety and to encourage the LGTBI+ community to stand up against the hatred and stereotyping towards them while not letting such incidents deter them from leading anything less than a glorious life”, says T8iana. The video incorporates stunning visuals, powerful choreography and features T8iana drawing a […]