An intriguing musical duo who makes their mark by working with artists from all across the globe, MATD are back with a single all about man’s best friend. The band have said, “All those lovely dogs make our day, keep comfort, make us happy, their loyalty is something you should also deserve. Next time you go out. Forget your telephone and take a walk with your best friend! Dogs and music unite people. Let ́s share all the love and passion with our dear friends. Let ́s try to enjoy our lives as dogs do”. We all can also support animal shelters and help our animal friends. Take your step and join to help! MATD wish everyone whose dog is their best friend make their own video. You and your dog. Show your friendship with your dog. Living in Vantaa, Finland, but with a reach that extends to all four corners of the globe, Veli and Marcos have recently shared their special ode to man’s best friend, delivering a comforting pop- rock anthem and video that will leave your heart full and your foot tapping. This song was recorded across the USA, UK, South Africa, Finland, and Venezuela, the new […]