James Pearce, 63, wastes no more time to launch his own career as a singer-songwriter after successful surgery to remove a brain tumour. James Pearce was once an apprentice upholsterer before becoming a Mod, riding a Lambretta Zoo SXSpecial and absorbing the music of the 60s and 70s, especially Johnny Duncan and The Blue Grass Boys. Singer Although a self-declared failed guitarist, James took to singing and ran a karaoke night with his brother John, whom James claims is the better singer. This resulted in James recording an album of covers of his favourite songs such as Johnny Duncan’s ‘Last Train to San Fernando’. In 2009 James penned his first song: “She Came Walking”. Happily married with two children, James is now a grandfather, which seems to be all the rage amongst Glastonbury’s headline performers. Dramatically James’ life changed dramatically when he was diagnosed with a large brain tumour in the base of his skull, but this was successfully removed in 2011 by his hero and surgeon Richard Kerr. While in hospital, James first heard about Headway Oxfordshire, which supports change to people’s lives after a brain injury. As a passionate marathon runner, Headway Oxfordshire inspired James to regain […]
Glastonbury 2014 – independent weekend review
2014 festival shows how diverse cultural roots are inspiring pop mainstream With 200,000 people, or a veritable city, airdropped into a huge farm in Somerset, promising performers of all persuasions were going to attract a crowd. Acknowledged As acknowledged by Sophie Ellis Bextor, pop and disco have once again found their places at Glastonbury, allowing audiences and acts to bond over some classics to sing along and dance to. Eager faces of all ages could be seen lip-synching to every word along with Ellie Goulding, Bryan Ferry, Caro Emerald and Dolly Parton. It was wonderful to see the return of lighter mainstream genres, popular for good reason that they are great to let your hair down to, singing and dancing along, rekindling happy memories. Fans can be themselves Compared to some harder dance genres that have dominated the charts, pop and disco say “I like this whatever you think” and are free of the occasional self-consciousness of rap or hip-hop while leaving fans to be themselves without prescription dress, moves and lingo. Evident this year was the rise of the DJ to rock star stats, as Sasha, DJ Pierre, David Morales, Shy FX, Above and Beyond and many more entertained […]