Distinguished folk artisan Luke Beling, originating from South Africa, stands on the brink of introducing his inaugural album titled “A Stone in the Mouth of the Ocean.” The excitement is palpable as the release date in October 2023 approaches, following the unveiling of four distinct singles. Leading the pack is the eponymous title track, which not only shares the album’s evocative name but also serves as a thematic prelude. This initial single delves profoundly into the journey of reconciling our inherent human vulnerability while embarking on a quest for significance within the expansive realm of our cosmic abode. Beling’s creative expedition has been deeply influenced by the vibrant musical milieu of the 1960s and 1970s. As a singer-songwriter, he draws inspiration from the melodies that reverberate from his father’s vintage records and the profound struggles of his homeland. Krister Axel, a notable voice from CHILLFILTR, eloquently depicts Beling’s musical creations as a splendid fusion of acoustic folk with a pop-friendly sensibility. These compositions intricately interlace threads of spirituality and profound insight, resulting in a harmonious fusion that strikes a profound chord. At the heart of Beling’s artistic vision lies a longing to infuse his music with the entire spectrum of […]