“When I die, I wanna die with my Chucks on / Pair of jeans and a shirt with MJ on / I’m gonna die, yes, but imma live in style“ Summer is not over yet, fam! Mi Casa kick straight back after the huge success of their smash hit Mamela with their first international collab since signing their international record deal with Afroforce1 Records/Universal Music Group. The band has teamed up with Berlin-based production duo YouNotUs to bring us the 5th official single from the ‘We Made It’ album, the long-awaited tribute to living well – Chucks. Earmarked as an important song from the album off the bat, the single has been waiting in the wings for the right time to bring some of that Mi Casa spirit back into the party feels. And with the YouNotUs collab, the result is a dancefloor’s dream. Mi Casa front man J’Something has always held a special place in his heart for the track, “It’s about making the most of every single moment because the future is not a given – all we have is right now and that time needs to be lived’, he states. Having the opportunity to collaborate with international, […]
Yung Free really want to make a difference in the rap game; check out the new single ‘Home Run’
Yung Free was born on the West Side of Chicago and are looking to shake-up the rap game and show that the new wave has arrived. Catchy hooks and feel good music are bound to get people singing along to the songs. Yung Free really want to make a difference in the rap game and also to give back to the community. You can’t really classify Yung Free music into one category because it’s a different sound. Look for Yung Free in future shows and interviews and be sure to check out his official project “4Dafree” on all streaming platforms! Check out their new song ‘Home Run’.Follow Yung Free on Instagram: _Yungfree_Check it out on Spotify:
Rapper Lilbreez is only 14 years old but is making waves and has released ‘Forget About You’
Lilbreez is an independent artist who found his love for music when he was very young. Lilbreez is a 14 year old singer/rapper and was born in New Brunswick New Jersey. It was not easy growing up for Lilbreez as a little boy. There was a lot of toxic behavior on a daily basis and it was not financially stable. Lilbreez now wants to express him self in his music and put food on the table. Lilbreez has released his new single ‘Forget About You’. Follow him online here:Instagram: https://instagram.com/lil.breezz?igshid=8i5k6um5826mSoundcloud: https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/8c9Qk8VUR2RT5shX8Youtube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCO2cXdFZ7h6LNG9KvwRg_PAWhere to buy your music: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/lilbreez/1467468405 Stream on Spotify:
Emac46b has released his new single ‘GO’
Emac46b was raised by hard working immigrant parents. He is the only person from his circle to do something with his life. He has faced death many times but believes there is a bigger plan for him.Check out his new single ‘GO’. Follow him online:IG: @emac46bFb: @emac46bYoutube: @emac46b Stream it here:
Hip Hop Star Scrapp Deleon has just released his new single ‘No Lie’
Hip Hop Star Scrapp Deleon is best known from ‘Love and Hip Hop’, Atlanta’s new single.He has just released his new single ‘No Lie’ Follow him here: IG: @scrappdeleon_nblStream his single here:
The El Clan is only 20 years old and finds expressing his emotions through his lyrics to be very therapeutic; he has released a new single ‘Stages of Grief’
Joel Benoiton aka The EL Clan is a 20 year old rapper/songwriter from Peterborough England. “I would say the most unique part about my music is the lyrics, it’s the best way for me to express my emotions and opinions on different subject matters.” says the rapper His latest single ‘Stages Of Grief’ focuses on how hard it is to loose a loved one. Each verse takes place at adifferent point in time. The first verse takes place quite soon after the loved one has passed and the emotions are still very raw. The second verse talks about how over time it will feel better and that one just has to keep moving forward. The third verse takes place years later and it shows that just because a person has been gone for so long doesn’t mean that they fade away from your memory. “This song means a lot to me and it’s about something that everyone will experience at some point.” he adds. Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joel_benoiton/ Stream here:
‘Ghetto Bonnie & Clyde’ is the latest single from Getting Cash Click featuring Richie Re with a 90s style vibe
‘Ghetto Bonnie & Clyde’ is the latest single from Getting Cash Click featuring Richie Re. This influential group hails from Lake Charles, LA. ‘Ghetto Bonnie & Clyde’ is an ode to Tupac with a duet style 90’s vibe — the overall record brings to life a story of a ride or die chick holding her man down and staying solid no matter what the obstacles. It’s the perfect blending of old-school riding music with a new-school twist.Formed in 2013, Getting Cash Click consists of Melo, Beanie, and Microwave Boy. The crew recently signed a distribution deal with Song Music’s ‘The Orchard’ — and “Ghetto Bonnie & Clyde” serves as the first single under their new venture. So get familiar if you aren’t already and check out their new track below:
Hip Hop artist A.O. C.entral C.ommand has been on a mission for over a decade and has just released his latest single ‘Do You Mind?’
After picking up from Episode 1, The Agency Operative emerged with a new album Episode 2 – Agent on a Mission. Throughout his career, the Agency Operative has gone through a series of transformations to reach this point as a hip hop artist. From writing in a journal to writing rhymes. The Agency Operative went from playing trumpet to being a vocalist. There was a setback in which AO had to take a hiatus. Not seeing financial success on the first album, the Agency Operative was forced to hold back on setting out more projects. The first project could’ve been the last. The reasons for making another project is AO does not give up so easily. Even though Episode 1 did not reach financial success, the album did give AO a better look on how the music industry works. From the beginning AO went by stage name King Kong. The reason for the name change was due to getting legal rights to the name. King Kong came up with the name “The Agency Operative.” Agency is an acronym (Agent Geared for Emissary to Navigate through Critical Conditions without Yielding). Operative means secret agent. The Agency Operative is the secret agent of […]
Hip Hop Performer PreacherMan has won various awards and released several chronicles of music, with his latest single release called ‘I Ain’t Going Nowhere’
Music artist PreacherMan is no stranger to the music and recording industry. From different sounds to top shelf production, the music definitely stands apart. The dedication is no less than the best and putting in the effort to make it to the majors won’t be a surprise in this case. Do not sleep on PreacherMan because the musician has something the listeners have always wanted. Memphis’ Martin Powell, who has adopted the stage name of PreacherMan, is a Christian artist who performs wherever there’s a mic. From the car shows to the club to the church, his voice will be heard and have been recognized. He’s the winner of the Mic Check open mic competition, the award recipient of the Juneteenth Best Hip Hop Performer (2015 & 2016), and placed 5th in the Nashville Coast 2 Coast event (2015). PreacherMan released his next single entitled ” Dedicated” on June 30, 2020. Upcoming for PreacherMan is his album titled The Chronicles Vol. 3 that’s slated for a December 2020 release. The Chronicles Vol 1 and Vol. 2 are currently on all digital platforms.PreacherMan has just released a new single called ‘I Ain’t Going Nowhere’ Follow him: IG: https://www.instagram.com/dapreacher321/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PreacherMan321/Where to buy […]
Chauffeur turned Rapper Ronny E is winning with his new single ‘Winner Winner’
What do celebrities like the Kardashian’s, Paul McCartney, Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, Janet Jackson, Steven Spielberg, Kevin Hart, Leonardo Dicaprio, Paris Hilton, Daymond John, Mark Cuban, and the list goes on, have in common? They were all chauffeured by Ronny E. Now Ronny E has broken into the rap world and has just released a new single called ‘Winner Winner’. Because Ronny E was behind the scenes, he got an in-depth look at what it took to take a dream and turn it into reality. Ronny would rap to his clients, and Daymond John from Sharktank was the first celebrity to share Ronny E’s music. Daymond liked the rap so much that he forced Mark Cuban to sit in the front and be rapped to. “I can’t lie, that song by my driver, Ronny, is still in my head. I’m a winner, I’m a winner, I’m a winner… he’s so crazy…I love him.” says Daymond John Ronny wrote, Winner Winner to let everyone know that success is not a straight line, that you have to take action, if you fail, just do it again, and adjust your action, until you win. To watch the video of Ronny E rapping to […]
Blind Season’s new album is a sign of the times and especially with the release of their latest single ‘How They See You’
Blind Season’s upcoming album is an ode to loneliness and toxicity that feel as if they were ripped from Billy Corgan’s Diary and featured in a film by Tim Burton. With the current questionable climate of the world there’s noquestion that this album will find its proper home and become a sign of the times. Their next single release is called ‘How They See You’ Says Founding member of the band, Shane Sigro of the song:“This song turned out a lot different than how I originally planned it to be. It’s a very funny and sarcastic take on a serious situation that I shouldn’t have been in with someone. I had to find a way to make it light hearted and this seemed like the best way. Looking back now I just laugh.” Stream the new single here:Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/blind-season/how-they-see-youSpotify: Youtube:
ThroneMuzik is an artist, engineer and producer and has just released a new single entitled ‘Live Again’, which is all about overcoming adversity
After a divorce, a life threatening trip to the hospital and a series of other setbacks, ThroneMuzik knew he had to keep going. “I had even ended up with COVID. During my time of quarantine and healing, I recorded this song.” says ThroneMuzik ThroneMuzik is an artist, engineer and producer. He has been involved with music since the age of 5. At age 10 he visited his first recording studio. At age 15, he built his own. At age 16, he became a born again believer in Christ and began to create music about his faith. At age 23, he opened his official recording studio ThroneMuzik Studios. He got married at age 26. Unfortunately the marriage ended in a divorce. Right when he was going to quit music, a man by the name of William Hodge met him for the first time and said to him “don’t quit the music man”. After hearing those words, ThroneMuzik began to finish what he started. He has released a new single ‘Live Again’ and will be dropping a full album called ‘New Beginnings’ soon. Listen to his new single here: https://thronemuzik.hearnow.com/
Noble Barz creates ‘insightful poetics through spoken word and rhyme over composed beats’ with his sound and has released his new single ‘Around The Beat’
The new single “Around The Bend” is a song of encouragement that no matter what detours or curveballs that you may encounter through the dark times in life’s journey, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. The name Noble Barz has a two-fold meaning; the word ‘Noble’ involves character or distinction that identifies the voice of content within the delivery by which this artist desire to purposefully convey the message of hope and to inform with a relevant yet spiritual foundation. The word ‘Barz’ – refers to the musical and artistic aspect connected to the delivery. The phrase “insightful poetics through spoken word and rhyme over composed beats” is what one can be describe or coined in a nutshell whenever you get to hear from a Noble Barz sound. Follow Noble Barz here:Website: http://www.noblebarz.com/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/noblebarzmusic/Twitter: https://twitter.com/noble_barzYoutube: https://youtu.be/RPecu-1XcJQT.S.I.R: https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/noblebarz/tsir-the-struggle-is-real-3
Max M has released his new EP ‘Renaissance’; each track delivers a diverse range of compositional elements that showcase Max M’s songwriting talent
‘Renaissance’ by Max M, is out now and available to stream on all major streaming platforms! The EP consists of five tracks and lasts around seventeen minutes. Although the EP is technically grouped under one genre classification, each track delivers a diverse range of compositional elements that showcase Max M’s songwriting talent; from the combination of uplifting synth swells, stylistic strings and upbeat percussion that provide the perfect platform for the powerful vocal line of ‘Imaginary Problems’, the creative flare of the harmonized backing vocal layers that make the catchy hook all the more memorable in ‘Under Water’, to the impressive featured artist performances of Chris Willis and Della Ciprian that deliver a dynamic diversity to the instrumental melody that will have you hitting that repeat button to listen to ‘If This Is What It Feels Like’ at least a few more times. From the well balanced production to the creative compositional arrangements, fans of Max M, as well as those who appreciate new and creative music, will definitely want to hear this EP. Make sure you follow Max M on social media to keep up to date with upcoming releases and performances! Follow Max M:https://max-m.com/https://www.facebook.com/MaxMElectro https://www.instagram.com/MaxMElectro/ Stream his two […]
Rapper Kietell can’t live without music and has just released a new track called ‘Pressure’
Kietell is a 23 year old rapper and producer from Mississauga, Ontario. His love for music started even before he was born: “According to my parents, my dad would put headphones on my mom’s stomach and I would kick to the beat of whatever my dad was playing at the time, which is why they gave me the nickname “Knox”.” That’s why it only made sense for this young rapper to pursue what he truly loves and can’t live without – music.He has just released a new song called ‘Pressure’.“My song Pressure was written while I was at work. The workplace didn’t have a lot of work for me to do so I found a spot where I could just zone out and write. It took me about 45 minutes to complete. Then that same day, I went home and made the beat for it. I knew I wanted something aggressive and hard hitting so I had to include those ‘War Cry’ type trumpets, strings, and electric guitars to make an aggressive beat.”Follow and Stream his music here: http://linktr.ee/kietellWatch ‘Pressure’ here:
Rapper SotgMando has just released a new single called ‘In My Bag’ which is a song all about making money; chasing a bag and not a female.
SotgMando is a young and upcoming Bay Area rapper. He first started making music at the age of 14 years old using a phone and free beats. Then as time went by he upgraded to a home studio.He came up with his rap name one day by writing some lyrics and piecing them together. “Stay on that grind mandatory” is not only a name but a lifestyle that he will live and die by.He has just released a new single called ‘In My Bag’ which is a song all about making money; chasing a bag and not a female. Follow SotgMando on Social Media:Instagram: https://instagram.com/sotg.mando?igshid=1ckmulh0tnp3eTwitter: https://twitter.com/sotgmando?s=21TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMeYCEtCE/ Stream his music here: SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/YLTaXoVoTkeyN8mB8Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2rJeqkMeFfJeC3NLxsM6QI?si=h3vCe3jRQ5KtUC6ufyDT2wApple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/sotgmando/1509043994Pandora: https://www.pandora.com/artist/sotgmando/ARkXd9frZV3hcbX Watch his video here:
Big Hookz has released his latest single TODO featuring latin superstar – Fresh EP, off of his upcoming album called “Visionary (No Days Off)” – an Afro Carribbean/RnB mix type album.
Big Hookz has released his latest single TODO featuring latin superstar – Fresh EP, off of his upcoming album called “Visionary (No Days Off)” – an Afro Carribbean/RnB mix type album. His last album was released early this year called “NS4L- NeverSettle4Less” under United Master & his label StrTeam Ent.This track is an Afrobeat sound mixed with Caribbean island music, which is called Reggaetón. “Crazy For You” Featuring Nakuu/Maestro Don, “Right With You” featuring Remo The Hitmaker & “Break You Down” featuring Gyptian, Remo & Tzy Panchak were released through his label Str8Team Entertainment with partnership with Universal Music Group subs Spinnup. These new hot singles make any individual want to turn up the stereo or just rock with the beat in their car and as one of the songs “Break You down” has reached number one (#1) on the European (Belgium, Turkey & UK) Itunes Charts on December 2019, with over 7000 plus influential engagements from Dj’s, clubs radio stations across the world. At the end of 2020, beginning 2021, Big Hookz gained certified Platinum from his single “Right With You” feat. platinum RnB single & producer “RemoTheHitmaker”. Big Hookz is a goal driven artist who brilliantly mixes a wide […]
The high notes during the pre-drop in The Kith’s new single ‘Coming Back Around’, provide a broadening feeling allowing the typical Slap House drop to hit deep
The Kith is an up-and-coming DJ duo consisting of two brothers born and raised in the Netherlands. The duo is unique as the youngest brother is only 16 years old. Together they are at the start of their music career. Besides Slap House / Brazilian Bass they also make some heavier Bass House tracks. The release of ‘Tell Me Why’ was their first real success, with a warm atmosphere and the deep bass known from Slap House. The track has been streamed over 30k times in a few months. Other tracks that followed up after this success within Slap House were ‘Closer’ on Kiwistage records and ‘Coming Back Around’ on Tritone records. Recently, in addition to the original mix, a remix was released by AUGUSTE of the track ‘Closer’. ‘Coming Back Around’ featuring Josh Vorster has a catchy vocal, supported by a deep bass.The high notes during the pre drop provide a broadening feeling, allowing the typical Slap House drop to hit deep. The melodic drop with powerful bass is the characteristic style of the song. Visit the duo here: https://www.thekithmusic.comFollow them on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the.kith.musicListen to their beats here: https://soundcloud.com/thekithAnd here:
‘All In’ is an Afro-Pop/R&B love song dedicated to all the lovers by Afro-Pop/R&B artist Emmanuel Quiah
“In life, the most beautiful things can grow from soil covered in ash. No matter how tragic the beginning of the story is, as long as the character seeks their own path they can build a happy ending”. This is the life motto for Liberian born Afro-pop/R&B artist Emmanuel Quiah. Now based in Arizona, USA, Quiah was born during the Civil War era in Liberia. He lost his father during the war and came to the United States as a refugee with his mother and three siblings. Music became his refuge and helped him deal with the hardships him and his family endured. “I would turn to music and play songs for hours and hours for every emotion I felt.” In high school, he began playing the guitar and started writing his own lyrics and songs; constructing soothing lyrics around amazing guitar chords inspired by musicians like Eric Clapton and Tommy Emmanuel. He has now released his own music which has a pop sensibility while clinging on to the afro beat sounds of his roots and the blues he studied in high school.His latest released is called ‘All In’“An Afro pop/R&B love song dedicated to all the lovers out there.”Quiah […]