We live in a rapidly changing world, where the progress of society should be measured on the happiness and wellbeing of its citizens, rather than the pockets of the few. We see countless billions spent on missiles and defence of the free world to keep out an ideological enemy that is already eating its way through the fabric of western civilization. The irony is that no external weapons need to be unleased when ideas will do the job for you. ‘Answers to the issue of the survival of Human beings will not be solved by Politics, but a new force of Logic that allows the best ideas to win’. ‘The Beat’ Bhangra Stance remix is a new take on a track from Dar.Ra’s ‘New Kinda Normal’ Album that suggests that if we carry on with our blinded unquestioning view of the Politics of greed we will repeat the same mistakes that we blame our Grand Parents to making. As the world enters a new state of mental war Irish Rock star Dar.Ra is bringing free thinkers together to the protest sound of his anthemic, stomping, massive, Indie Rock beat, vocal and sound of war – Muzicmirror The ‘New Kinda Normal’ […]