Sultanes del Ritmo, agrupación chileno-cubana de música caribeña, obtuvo dos prenominaciones a Mejor Álbum de Música Contemporánea en la última edición de los Grammy Latinos, quedando entre los 59 mejores discos del mundo en esta categoría, con sus álbumes: Por dónde le entra el agua al Coco ? y El Culequé . Además los dos discos fueron prenominados a “Álbum del Año”. Ahora regresan con el lanzamiento de su nuevo single “El Tirano” en Spotify y su video en You Tube. La canción y el video son una cruda crítica a la falta de libertades que hay en en Cuba y la constante violación de derechos humanos que sufren sus habitantes por parte de la dictadura cubana encabezada por Miguel Díaz-Canel. Alex, su vocalista, original de Medialuna, perteneciente a la provincia de Granma, en la parte oriental de la isla agrega: “ya la gente está cansada de los permanenentes abusos y arbitrariedades que hay en Cuba. Siempre la excusa es buscar a Estados Unidos y su supuesto bloqueo como el causante de todos los males de Cuba porque eso le sirve a la dictadura para justificar y mantenerse en el poder” La verdad, agrega Alex es que “debido a la […]
“Sultanes del Ritmo” get two albums pre-nominated among the 59 best albums in the world for the Latin Grammy Awards.
The group of Caribbean music “Sultanes del Ritmo” was born from the idea of Juan Pablo Maluk Selamé, whose artistic name would become Pablo Sabor for the effects of his participation in this musical group. Pablo returned from a trip to Cuba in 2009, where he toured the entire island practically. He arrives very inspired by the natural beauties of Cuba, its geography, its history, culture, and especially its music. At that time, it was very fashionable cubatón on the island, a mixture of reggaeton with salsa and other typical Cuban rhythms. The movement’s leaders were Gente de Zona, which was not yet known outside Cuba. When Pablo arrived in Chile, he told Patricio Fredz, a classmate and friend from The Mackay School, about the idea of making an album with the best covers of these cubatones. Patricio suggested to Pablo that he should compose his songs and make an album with original songs since he had had this innate talent since his school days. The idea was fundamental for the future of the group. They contact Luis Cheul Hola, another former student of Colegio Mackay, with studies in Germany, as a Music Producer and Arranger. All this is recorded in Luis’ studio in […]