Anyone who fears that London’s bold musical heartbeat is faltering could be reassured by the recent arrival of The Boy From the Crowd on the scene. Inclinations The London-based rock duo comprises Vinny Piana and Vegas Ivy who formed The Boy From The Crowd when their musical inclinations collided in 2013. The pair shared musical influences from Robert Johnson and Howlin’ Wolf, Captain Beefheart and Jon Spencer. Vinny, born in the south of France, toured Europe and the UK with various bands and composed soundtracks for films, including a Sundance favourite LoveSexy. Then Vegas added his pounding voodoo drums to Vinny’s long-cherished new musical venture. Imperfections Summing up his take on their approach, Vinny says: “One of the things that makes rock ’n’ roll great is its little imperfections and riding on the edge of disaster, knowing full well that any second it could all just fall apart.” Their EP ‘Where the Bees Come to Die’, produced by Vinny and recorded in Maako studios, London, contains their first single Revelator, which is already receiving enthusiasm from the music press. Future FM Magazine wrote: “The so-called “two-man team that’s putting the boot back into blues” seem to have recorded a winner of […]